Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Operations Committee


The Elm Park Recreation Association’s (EPRA) Board of Directors is comprised of 7 elected Elm Park Pool Members and constitutes the organization’s leadership group. They are responsible for overseeing the proper governance of the EPRA as well as appointing an Executive Committee that will manage the pool’s operations. Their mandate is to ensure that our Members continue to receive safe, affordable and high-quality services at Elm Park Pool.

The Board of Directors is elected at the Annual General Meeting each Fall and serves for one year. All Members aged 18+ in good standing can join the pool’s committee team either as a Director or in another role. For Director positions, corporate, management or people leadership experience is an strong asset.

If you are an Elm Park Pool Member and are interested in joining the EPRA team in any capacity, we invite you to contact us at

Board of Directors Team

The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for the day-to-day operations of Elm Park Pool and reports to the Board of Directors.

  • Kevin Bertrand


    The President is responsible for leading the operation of Elm Park Pool. The President will work with the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors to make key decisions as well as lead the staff and volunteer teams.

  • Andrea Tomkins

    Vice President

    The Vice-President is responsible for helping oversee the pool’s operations as well as working with the necessary staff and volunteers to plan, communicate and execute all events hosted at Elm Park Pool.

  • Jean Bertrand


    The Secretary is responsible for recording the minutes at all Board of Director meetings as well as ensuring proper documentation of the Association’s activities.

  • Lenny Guerchkovitch


    The Treasurer’s main responsibility is to ensure the financial viability of the pool. This requires working with the Executive Committee on the annual budget, maintaining proper financial records and ensuring that key transactions such as payroll are processed. The Treasurer presents the year’s financial report as well as the following year’s budget at the Annual General Meeting.

The Operations Committee

  • Donna Cheung

    Membership Lead

    The Membership Lead is responsible for successfully executing the membership registration process as well as maintaining our membership list. They will lead our in-person registration sessions as well as create our online registration form.

  • Mary Di Nezza

    Social Events Lead

    The Social Events Lead is responsible for organizing engaging events throughout the summer that bring our members together and build our community spirit. They will work with the Executive Committee to create a calendar of events for the season as well as recruit volunteers as needed to execute them.

  • Jason Hillcoat

    Staff Liaison & Swim Meet Manager

    The Staff Liaison is the main contact person between the Lifeguard team and the rest of the Committee team. They are the staff mentor, working with them to the hire and evaluate lifeguards as well as provide guidance on performance and leadership. The Staff Liaison helps ensure that our Lifeguard team has the support they need to provide the highest quality of service to the community.

    The Swim Meet Manager is responsible for ensuring the successful execution of swimming competitions hosted at Elm Park Pool. The Meet Manager works with the Pool Manager to ensure that all the necessary preparation has been completed.

  • David Gennarelli

    Maintenance Lead

    The Maintenance Lead is responsible for identifying and in some cases executing maintenance or improvement opportunities for the pool’s premises. The maintenance lead will generally help execute infrastructure improvements that not covered by government subsidies.

  • Richard Cruceanu

    IT, Website & Social Media Lead

    The IT, Website & Social Media Lead is responsible for the back-end support of the website, posting all the Splash News, schedules, flyers, sponsors, staff pictures, biographies, etc. on the website. He/She is also responsible for all social media, including Facebook, etc. and its initiatives.

  • Matthew Pinchuk

    Oasis (Snack Bar) Lead

    The Oasis Lead is responsible for the smooth operation of our snack bar. They work with the Executive Committee to determine its menu, ensure sufficient inventory of supplies, oversee any Oasis support staff as well as operate the Oasis during key events such as swimming competitions.