Youth Club
The Elm Park Youth Club is a program for children aged 6-12 years old that want to participate in the pool’s various weekday programs, make friends and enjoy daily organized activities planned just for them! In Youth Club, children will be supervised by our Youth Club staff, who will ensure they attend all the programs they signed up for such as swimming lessons, eat their lunch/snacks, stay hydrated, apply sunscreen, and respect the pool rules. In addition, they will organize daily activities with the children to keep them engaged as well as accompany them in the water every weekday afternoon for free swim time.
Camp Info
The program runs for 8 weeks (Monday-Friday) beginning in late June. If a child is registered in the Youth Club, parents can drop them off at the pool between 8:00-9:00AM and pick them up at the end of the day between 3:00-5:00PM.
The age to participate in the Elm Youth Club is established as of September 30, 2024. Therefore, a child who will be 6 years old on September 29th, 2024 may register for this year’s youth club whereas a child who turns 6 years old on October 1st, 2024, will only be able to register for the Youth Club in 2025.
The Youth Club is exclusive to members at $190 per child per week, with a 10% discount for every additional child from the same family.
Register your child today! Please note that only very limited space remains for the 2024 season.